Saturday, April 18th, 9:00am - Noon
Any Scouts BSA can connect with a counselor online and work on merit badges, including Eagle-required badges! Please ensure Scouts are following Youth Protection Guidelines by cc'ing a parent or another Scout leaders on all e-mail to counselors. In this class counselors will help Scouts earn the Art Merit Badge.
A doubleknot registration for the class is required in order to participate. Registrants will be sent the online link and call-in information to connect into the class digitally. Additional work (homework) will be required outside of the 3 hour class period in order to complete the merit badge. Max 10 Scouts.
How will Scouts get credit for the merit badge?
- Scouts from within the Western Los Angeles County Council will have their advancement logged directly into Scoutbook where possible.
- Scouts from other Councils will be mailed a blue card after the merit badge class is completed. Please ensure your address is filled out correctly when you register. Due to the circumstances, we are not requiring that blue cards be signed by Scoutmasters in advance. If your Scoutmaster would like to verify with the Counselor, they are welcome to reach out once you hand in your blue cards. All information required to do so will be on the blue card.