2024 EB Fall Girls Adventure

2024 EB Fall Girls Adventure
Registration Begins
Last Day To Register
16525 Sherman Way Unit C-8
Van Nuys, CA 91406, US
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Weekend for Female Campers 
Tentative Weekend Schedule


An Island Adventure For Everyone!

Girls Adventure Weekend at Camp Emerald Bay

Girls Adventure Weekend at Camp Emerald Bay
(Reference Schedule Only)



Check in & loading times are tentative as we use multiple boat vendors throughout the year. Those who registered will receive an email 1-2 weeks prior to the weekend confirming the actual departure time and port location. For transportation planning, please account for a check-in time between 4:30pm-6:30pm.


7:00pm Arrival and Announcements

When you exit the boat, you will grab as much of any gear as you can carry and proceed to the end of the pier.  Drop / sort gear by the camp “Welcome” sign and gather for a camp orientation / safety briefing (by Elizabeth) before dinner.


7:30pm Dinner: Wash hands before entering the Dining Hall


9:00pm Star Party, short walk:  Meet at Pavilion, behind Dining Hall

(bring red light flashlights, if you have them; weather permitting)




7:30am Orientation: Gather on the parade ground in front of the Dining Hall porch.


7:35am Breakfast: Wash hands before entering the Dining Hall


9:00am-12:00pm Activities Open: Snorkeling, Marine Center Tours, Stand Up Paddleboard,

Kayaking, Swim Lessons, Sandcastle Contest, Archery, BB Guns.

9:00am-9:45am OR 1:30pm-2:00pm Swim Checks (waterfront closed during swim checks)


10:15am-11:15am Knife Safety Instruction - Carving soap blocks:  Meet behind craft bldg. across from store


12:30pm Lunch: Wash hands before entering the Dining Hall


1:30pm-5:30pm Activities Open Snorkeling, Marine Center Tours, Stand Up Paddleboard,

Kayaking, Swim Lessons, Sandcastle Contest, Archery, BB Guns,

(Waterfront closed during swim checks make up 1:30pm-2:00 pm)


1:30pm Hike to Inspiration Point (1 mi, Easy, 45 min - 1 hr.):  Meet at Pavilion, behind Dining Hall

1:30pm Hike to Parson’s Beach (2mi, easy Moderate, 2 hr.): Meet at Pavilion, behind Dining Hall


6:00pm Dinner: Wash hands before entering the Dining Hall


7:30pm SWAPS: Gather at the Campfire Circle with SWAPS to share.

We anticipate about 200 campers for the weekend.


8:00pm Campfire: this is your chance to show off your talent! Prepare skits, songs, and stories to share with the other Scouts!



5:30am Sunrise Hike to Little Arrow Point (3/4 mi Easy, 30 – 45 min, sturdy shoes):  Meet outside of Ship’s Store


6:45am Cabin Clean Up and Pack Camp Sweep – Leave No Trace ***Line up gear by boat stations


7:15am Breakfast: Wash hands before entering the Dining Hall


Boat Loading & Departure times are also tentative and will be disclosed 1-2 weeks prior to the weekend. For transportation planning, please account for a mainland arrival in Long Beach between 10:00am-12:00pm.

Price includes transportation to the island, all activities, and meals from Friday Dinner through Sunday Breakfast.
We accept registration by Unit until full (400 campers) or four weeks before the event. Please note that cabin space is limited and is available on a first come first served basis.  
We look forward to welcoming you to our weekend for Female Campers at Emerald Bay!
Contact E-mail
$2,160.00 per Cabin of 8
$255.00 per Tent Housing Adult
$255.00 per Tent Housing Youth
Cancellation Policy
You are guaranteed spaces for the number of Scouts and adults listed on your online reservation form. THERE ARE NO REFUNDS FOR THIS EVENT except in case of a medical emergency or a cancellation due to weather. Please make parents aware of this policy.

If you have a question, comment, or suggestion, please e-mail: WLACC

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