2020 Virtual Merit Badge University Session 12

2020 Virtual Merit Badge University Session 12
Registration Begins
10/28/2020 7:00 AM
Last Day To Register
11/4/2020 11:55 PM
16525 Sherman Way, Unit C-8
Van Nuys, CA 91406, US
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The last date for registration has passed.


Virtual Merit Badge University (VMBU) provides quality merit badge opportunities to young men and women in ScoutsBSA via small class experiences.

Registration Notes:

  • Registering for VMBU means that your Scout has the opportunity to participate in class and complete the merit badge by working with the counselor- Scouts must still participate in class discussions, complete all work, and communicate with their counselor in order to finish the badge
  • During registration, please put the Scout's name in the "Primary Name" box and the parents' information in the parents' box of the registration page. 
  • Zoom information and counselor contact will be sent Thursday prior to class
  • Below is the current class schedule and merit badge counselor name. Prerequisites, if any, are listed below each merit badge counselor's name (prerequisite does not mean it has to be done prior to class unless noted, just that it must be done outside of class)
  • If the class is no longer showing, it is full
  • ** Please note all times are in the Pacific Time Zone as we are California based**
Saturday November 7 at 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM  
Merit Badge Counselor  Prerequisites 
Art - FULL Rachel Brachman Read the Art MB booklet and complete Req #5 (choose any 1) and #6 before attending class.
Citizenship In The Nation* - FULL Patrick Daems Read the Citizenship in the Nation MB Booklet and complete Req #2, #3 (choose any 2) and #8 before attending class. Scouts who are 8th Grade or First Class and up generally will have a more successful time sharing and participating in the discussions and completing the requirements as written.
Emergency Preparedness * - FULL Jerald Ramos Read the Emergency Preparedness MB booklet before attending class. Bring questions. Complete Req #1  (earn the First Aid Merit Badge) before attending class if possible. Scouts who are 7th Grade and up or First Class & up will generally have a successful time completing the requirements as written.
Music - FULL Ryan Haslam Read the Music MB booklet and complete Req #1 before attending class. Bring your work for Req #1 to class by pre-recording a simple song of your choice on your chosen instrument.
Personal Management * - FULL Monte Murray Read 2019 Merit Badge Book. Scouts should have income and spending discretion and ability to create and track their budget for 13 weeks. Scouts who are 8th Grade or First Class + will have a more successful time completing these requirements as written.
Textile  Jeff Frankel Req #2a, #2b, #2c, #3 (choose any 2).
Saturday November 7 at 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM  
Merit Badge Counselor Prerequisites 
American Business - NEAR CAPACITY Jerald Ramos Read the MB booklet and bring your questions to class.
Citizenship In The World * - FULL Patrick Daems Read the Citizenship in the World MB Booklet. Complete Req #4 and #7 (choose any 2) before attending class. Scouts who are 7th Grade and up or Second Class and up will generally have a more successful time in sharing in the group discussions and completing the requirements as written.
Family Life * - FULL Christine Tezai Complete Req #1 before attending class.
Fishing Jeff Frankel Read the Fishing MB booklet to complete Req #7, #9 and #10 before attending class. Be prepared to demonstrate your knot tying skills (Req #4) on camera.
Space Exploration - FULL Rachel Brachman Read the Space Exploration MB booklet and complete Req #2, #3 and #5c before attending class.
Sunday November 8 at 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM  
Merit Badge Counselor Prerequisites 
Digital Technology - NEAR CAPACITY Hal Schloss For Digital Technology-The Cyberchip is required - bring proof to class. Requirements 5b, 5c, 6, 7c, 8, and 9 will need to be prepared outside of the session
Emergency Preparedness * - FULL Jerald Ramos Read the Emergency Preparedness MB booklet before attending class. Bring questions. Complete Req #1  (earn the First Aid Merit Badge) before attending class if possible. Scouts who are 7th Grade + or Second Class & up will generally have a successful time completing the requirements as written.
Inventing Rachel Brachman Reading the Inventing MB booklet will help you complete Prerequisites: #3c, #5, #6, #7, and #8.
Sustainability * - FULL Christine Tezai Read the Sustainability MB booklet before attending class with proof of #Req 2a completed. Scouts who are Second Class and higher generally will have a more successful time completing the requirements as written.
Sunday November 8 at 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM  
Merit Badge Counselor Prerequisites
American Heritage - NEAR CAPACITY Jerald Ramos  
Read the MB booklet and bring your questions to class.
Cooking * - FULL Christine Tezai Scouts who are Second Class rank and higher will have a more successful time in completing the requirements as written.
Indian Lore - NEAR CAPACITY Jeff Frankel Complete Req #2, #3 (do any 2), #4 (do any 1) and #5 (do any 1) before attending class.
Inventing - NEAR CAPACITY Rachel Brachman Reading the Inventing MB booklet will help you complete Prerequisites: #3c, #5, #6, #7, and #8.

Please read the following and plan appropriately:

  • When logging into zoom please use the following naming convention: First Name Last Name - Merit Badge Class (i.e. Eddie Rodriguez-Family Life).
  • Have your digital blue card filled out and ready to email to your merit badge counselor once he/she provides their contact info (they may also utilize Scoutbook)
  • In order to participate fully in your class, a camera is required if available and headphones are highly recommended.
  • Be ready to participate in class as with group discussions and answering questions.  
  • Just like any scouting event we recommend wearing Field or Activity Uniform.
  • Not all requirements can be done on the same day so some merit badges will have prerequisites/out of class items
  • To prepare for the class, it is recommended to read the merit badge book ahead of time.  
  • ** Please note all times are in the Pacific Time Zone as we are California based** (three hours behind Florida)
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Cancellation Policy
WLACC has a "NO REFUND" policy for the Virtual Merit Badge University. Registrations are non-refundable and non-transferable.

If you have a question, comment, or suggestion, please e-mail: WLACC

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