Annual Memorial Day Flag Placement
May 25, 2019
Los Angeles National Cemetery
This year Scouts will be placing flags on the graves of our veterans at the Los Angeles National Cemetery in West Los Angeles, 950 S. Sepulveda Blvd.
Parking is located in the Veterans Administration Facilities located through a tunnel on Constitution Avenue. This is the same location as last year.
The opening ceremonies will begin at 8:00am on Saturday morning. We encourage units to arrive by 7:30am, at the latest to provide enough time for check-in. Check-in will open at 7:00am. All units must check-in Saturday morning at the check-in table. Units that pre-register online will have expedited check-in and patch check-out.
All Scouts and adult leaders attending should wear the complete Scout uniform.
Food or drinks of any kind, except water, are forbidden inside the cemetery. Please make sure to finish breakfast prior to arriving or in the parking lot before entering the cemetery.
Leaders are expected to explain to their Scouts the reason for the Memorial Day Ceremony. The Scouts must be made aware of appropriate behavior while at the cemetery. Do not let the Scouts make unnecessary noise or run around while in the cemetery.