You, Your Family, Friends
And Members of Your Unit
Are Cordially Invited
to the
Western Los Angeles County Council
Boy Scouts of America
2019 Council Recognition Dinner
Thursday, January 24, 2019
The Airtel Plaza Hotel
7277 Valjean Avenue
Van Nuys, CA 91406
6:30 - 7:00 pm Check-in and Mingling
7:00 pm Dinner and Program
Join us in applauding our 2018-2019 Silver Beaver recipients!
Evan Gillins – Antelope Valley
John Harrel – Balboa Oaks
Craig Moles – Antelope Valley
Jeff Wrigley – Balboa Oaks
Alfredo Calimlim – Crescent Bay
Rebecca Murphy – Balboa Oaks
Greg Frost – Crescent Bay
Paul Renner – Crescent Bay
Walk-in pricing is $75 per person
Limited parking on-site is available
Seating will be reserved for Silver Beaver awardees & guests, and table purchasers- open seating for all others. Seating is 8 to a table.