Western Los Angeles County Council, Bill Hart District in Association with College of the Canyons
Presents the Surveying Merit Badge September 22nd, 2018 @ 8:00 am to 2:00 PM!
Lunch will be provided but let us know if there are any unique food requirements such as allergies, vegetarian, etc. that we need to be aware of.
Participants must be 14 years old by the day of the event to participate.
There are 8 Requirements that must be met for the Land Surveying badge.
Requirements #1, 6, 7, and 8 will be addressed prior to the merit badge day. The specific requirements that will be met prior are as follows and are copied directly from the Surveying Merit Badge handbook:
- #1 – Show that you know first aid for the types of injuries that could occur while surveying, including cuts, scratches, snakebite, insect stings, tick bites, heat and cold reactions, and dehydration. Explain to your counselor why a surveyor should be able to identify the poisonous plants and poisonous animals that are found in your area.
- #6 – Get a copy of the deed to your property, or a piece of property assigned by your counselor from the local courthouse or title agency.
- #7 – Tell what GPS is; discuss with your counselor the importance of GPS and how it is changing the field of surveying.
- #8 Discuss the importance of surveying with a licensed surveyor. Also discuss the various types of surveying and mapping, and applications of surveying technology to other fields. Discuss career opportunities in surveying and related fields. Discuss the qualifications and preparation for such a career.
The day of the event, Scouts will meet the following requirements which are copied directly from the Surveying Merit Badge handbook:
- #2 – Find and mark the corners of a five-sided lot that has been laid out by your counselor to fit the land available. Set an instrument over each of the corners and record the angle turned between each line and the distance measured between each corner. With the assistance of the counselor, compute the error of closure from the recorded notes. The error of closure must not be more than 5 feet. From the corners, take compass readings or turn angles to trees, shrubs, and rocks, and measure to them. All measurements should be made using instruments, methods, and accuracies consistent with current technology. [We will be using a total station to take all of these measurements.]
- #3 – From the field notes gathered for requiremet-family: calibr
Scouts must read the ENTIRE BSA Surveying Merit Badge pamphlet and complete the pre-requisites before class.
Scout leader must have a COMPLETED Application for Merit Badge (blue card) with them. This includes numbering the requirements completely!
Waivers and photo releases are required to be completed and turned in at the time of the workshop. If you do not want your child photographed for publicity purposes, they will need to make sure they are not photographed during the session. We will not supervise their exemption.
You will be turned away if these items are not in compliance.